Holy Dark

An adventure into the magic and mystery of darkness.

Holy Dark is a 15-session dance through the darkest months of the year, with Divine Mother Dark at the helm. You will learn how to walk these pathways of de-illumination. You will learn how to seek and wed the parts of you aching for holding, for knowing, and in so doing come to know more of your true self. You will learn to sit and soak and dissolve in darkness, and in that stillness gestate wonders. 

Come, my friend, come into the wild unknowable. I know the places to set your footing, I know where the fireflies glow. 

Holy Whore

A course for sexual healing, awakening, and feminine empowerment. 

Unleash the full power of the Sacred Feminine through ritual, Goddess embodiment, shadow work, shamanic journeying, and sensual meditation.

Here comes she forth, naked with vulnerable strength, and emanating her sovereignty, The Sacred Courtesan, Divine Prostitute, and Holy Whore. She is all that has been reviled, cast out, ridiculed, and shamed in women for centuries, and she is all that has been elevated too. She is that woman that serves the totality of Goddess, who has reclaimed her shadows and holds her sexual sovereignty. She embodies the fullness of Divine Feminine power and has reclaimed her sexuality for what it is, the sacramental worship of life itself. She is Inanna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Magdalene, Lilith, Isis, Kali. She is that fearless expression of the feminine principle, unchained from patriarchy, self-defining, and integrated.

Next Course: July 17th (email Elizabeth to reserve your seat)